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My water purifier is leakingUpdated 4 months ago

Troubleshooting 1: Check if the leakage is from the raw water supply (pipes) or from the product itself

Troubleshooting 2: If the leakage is from the raw water supply, please record a short video (30 seconds to 1 minute) clearly showing the leak from the water supply. Send the video to our customer support team at, and we’ll be happy to assist you further.

Troubleshooting 3: If the leakage is not from the raw water supply, check if the leakage is from the filter not being properly fitted.

  • If so, make sure that the filter bottles are placed properly in the lock position.
    • If not, turn off the unit, remove and re-insert the filter bottles properly, and then turn on the main switch

Troubleshooting 4.  Check if the leakage from the front or the back of the unit 

  • If it's from the front, turn off the raw water source
    • Please record a short video (30 seconds to 1 minute) clearly showing the leak from the front of the unit. Send the video to our customer support team at, and we’ll be happy to assist you further.
  • If it is from the back of the unit
    • Check the dust filter behind the machine
    • The dust filter is located behind the machine. 
    • Wash the dust filter and dry it up.
    • Put the dust filter back in the machine
    • Turn off the cold water function during the night time and let it rest the entire night
    • Turn it on back in the morning. 
    • Monitor for a week and if the issue persists, please record a short video (30 seconds to 1 minute) clearly showing the leak from the back of the unit. Send the video to our customer support team at, and we’ll be happy to assist you further.
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