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Sterra Titan Dehumidifier

Sterra Titan is not workiing

1. Check the power supply and make sure it is connected to a functioning outlet. Please also check if the switch is on. 2. Check if the water tank is already installed. Reinstall if needed. 3. If the issue persists, please record a short video (30 se

Sterra Titan is not working well

This could be because the indoor humidity is low so no dehumidification is being done or the set humidity is too high. Lower the set humidity and see if this fixes the problem. If the issue persists, please record a short video (30 seconds to 1 minut

Dehumidifier effect is not good

1. Make sure to close the doors and windows as this affects the effectiveness of the dehumidifier. 2. Ensure that the dehumidifier is used in the recommended coverage area or add more dehumidifiers to cover your whole house. 3. Check if the air filte

No water is coming out from the drain hose during the drainage

This might be because the dehumidifier is on uneven ground or the drain hose is installed incorrectly. Please do the following:. 1. Place the dehumidifier on a flat, even ground, and make sure the drain hose is attached securely to the machine. 2. Ch

There's water on the ground

The drain hose might be incorrectly installed. Check the drain hose and securely reattach it in place. Make sure it's not loose. If the issue persists, please record a short video (30 seconds to 1 minute) clearly showing the problem. Send the video t

I see an E1 or E2 error code

This could be related to the coil temperature sensor or a related circuit has failed. 1. Turn off the unit. 2. Wait for half an hour before turning it on again. This should fix the proiblem. 3. If the issue persists, please record a short video (30 s

Slow flash of L3 code

This is because the ambient temperature is over 45 degrees celcius for 30 seconds or more. 1. Wait for half an hour before turning it on again. This should fix the problem. 2. If the issue persists, please record a short video (30 seconds to 1 minute