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Sterra Breeze Pro Air Purifier

My air purifier's indicator light is off

STEP 1: Check whether the power cord is connected properly,. STEP 2: If the issue persists,  please take a video (30 seconds to 1 minute) clearly showing the entire back of the air purifier. Once done, please get in touch with our customer support te

My air purifier is too loud

STEP 1: If the position is uneven or the filter packaging has not been removed, there will be noise from the machine. STEP 2: If the issue persists,  please take a video (30 seconds to 1 minute) clearly showing the entire back of the air purifier. On

My air purifier's filter indicator light flashes

STEP 1: Check to see if there are foreign objects blocking the air outlet/inlet. STEP 2: Verify if the filter was replaced according to the filter prompt indicator.

My air purifier's filter indicator is always on lit

This happens when the filter is not inserted properly. To fix the problem, do the following:. STEP 1: Check the filter if it's inserted correctly. STEP 2:  Remove the filter and try installing it again.