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When can I expect the delivery of my pre-order or out of stock (OOS) item?Updated 5 days ago

If your item is out of stock or if you purchased a preorder item, please check the list below to check the expected in-stock date. You can find our current pre-order items and expected in-stock dates below. This list is updated on a weekly basis and in-stock dates may be updated according to supply chain changes.

  • Sterra S Filter Replacement - expected to be in the warehouse no later than March 10
  • Sterra Ray Dehumidifier - expected to be in the warehouse no later than April 21

The above items are expected to arrive in our SG warehouse by the date given. If your order includes Sterra Breeze Pro or Sterra Paws filter replacements. there will be two deliveries. The first delivery will be for the other products of the unit and the second delivery will be for the filter replacement. 

Thank you very much for your patience!

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