I am not satisfied with my purchase. What is your return policy?Updated 2 years ago
We want you to love your Sterra product. If you are unsatisfied with your Sterra product for any reason, we are happy to offer a return for a refund or 1-1 exchange. Please submit your return request (instructions below) within 15 days of the installation date or delivery date (as indicated by the tracking number). For any Sterra Mattress purchase, this return period is extended to 100 days from the delivery date. We will authorize the refund for the original product price (less discounts and original shipping) within 5 business days of receiving the return item.
To request a return, please use our Report Order Issue widget and our team will prioritize your email.
How to send a return request through our Report Order Issue widget:
- Please use your order email or phone number to sign-in through this link: https://support.sterra.sg/en-US/ssp/login. Enter the verification code sent to your email or phone number.
- Select the relevant order and click the "Report Issue" button.
- Select the option "I'd like to cancel my order." A request will be sent automatically to our team and your email inbox.
- Please respond to this email to let us know your reason for cancellation.
- Our team will prioritize your email and respond.
Thank you!